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Via the account's management portal, administrators have access to the “Filtering” administration panel, under which all “Filtering” related tools can be configured. Following a match of stream(s) and rule(s), one of the following actions can apply. 

In this article you will also find some session rules scenarios: Revma session rules scenarios

1. Actions

There are five different kinds of actions: Drop, Continue, Redirect, Loop, Vast.
Each one is explained below:


Geo Areas are more specific areas of the map that can be created in another location (eg. google maps) and be added here. Unlike the Geo Groups, the choice does not depend on countries.

Geo Areas are based on a protocol called KML geographic areas.
Here are the steps to create one using Google Maps.

On the Revma side, force downloadable KML files need to be in the form of a URL, so this KML file needs to be public on any drive and accessed directly via a URL. That URL is the value of the KML area.

The url URL of the area created, can be added to the KML file URL field


Creating a rule is a multi-step process.




In case more than one rules match, the one with the lowest integer value priority applies (0 being the highest priority). Prioritizing rules is required in a number of cases and is used to handle advanced scenarios. 

Make sure that you do not create multiple rules with the same priority, as only one of them will randomly apply.Source:


As source we refer to any certain IP or groups of IPs, Geo Groups or Geo Areas, filtering (groups of) listeners that the rule will apply to.Target:


This is the step where the rule's target is selected. Target could be a single stream, a group of streams (i.e. 30 out of 150 streams operating under an account) or all streams (any target) operating under an account.Action:


Here is where an action is configured to apply once stream(s) and rule(s) match.Percentage:


Configuration of the percentage of listeners (that match the rule) the action will apply to.Schedule

schedule (optional)


Once a rule is created, it will be active immediately (scheduled to always apply) or can be scheduled to apply in certain time frames. Scheduled slots can either refer to day(s) or hour(s) or both. Additionally, there can be combinations of different slots.
