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This article will guide you through the different sections of your station in


Under Listeners, you are able to view the listener stats regarding based on the average connections and the average listening time hourly connected sessions for pre-defined time-frames. Click on the drop-down menu and select between : today, last 7 days yesterday and same day last 30 daysweek.

If you have already broadcasted content with meta-datametadata, the Last played tracks info will be visible rendering the last 5 tracks that aired through your station.

Lastly, under Stream URLs you can locate the links that direct to your station’s stream. More information on the Stream Url’s will be found in the corresponding section bellow

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A Station owner will have the option to get analytics reports through the Analytics section. To get a report, you will first need to choose the period of time for which you wish this report to be generated. Under the “period” section, first choose between the ones given (if you choose “custom”, you will need to also specify the dates) and click on “get analytics”. This will take time according to how large the report is.


In this pane you will find the Stream URLs and the relay station tab.under

This is where you can locate the links that direct to your station’s stream.


Under Relays


For the HLS stream URL to work, the media format of a stream must be AAC.

This is where you can create relay stations that rebroadcast your main station and view or delete already existing ones. Upon clicking on Create Relay, you can either set up a simple relay that mirrors the settings of the main station or choose to create a transcoding relay, in which case you can choose among more options to edit.


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More For more information on relays, please check:


Under Profile you can edit the Station info and configure the Player of your station.In




This feature is only available in Loop channel Stations

The playlist feature, allows you to upload a number of tracks to your Loop channel station, that will air whenever an encoder is not connected at least one listener is connected to the stream and/or another source is not being relayed. If, for any reason, the connection of the encoder(s) to the server is lost, the playlist will take over and air the content you have uploaded, either in the order you have set, or shuffled.


In case no listeners (or encoders) are connected to your stream, the station remains idle, waiting for a connection.


stream will remain idle and will spawn when at least one listener connects


The first step is to upload content. After clicking on the “Upload Audio” option, you can either drag & drop, browse from your computer or Add a Media URL to a static mp3 file.


Under Broadcast, the first table is the Master link. This is where you will find the broadcasting and server credentials that will allow you to stream via your station using any Icecast V2 compatible encoder. The Failover Server Address is “Server Address” is to be used in the primary source and the “Failover Server Address” in the optional secondary source.


If two sources are being used on a station (Primary & Secondary/Failover) the audio settings [audio format (for example mp3), bitrate (for example 128kbps) and samplerate (for example 44.100)] need to be the same for both.

The Master link credentials are only available in Streaming only stations.


Following is the Relay link. Enabling this will allow you to choose an mp3 streaming URL from another source to broadcast via your station without the use of any other software.


Enabling Stream Alert, will allow any emails entered in the field to be notified with alerts for a series of connection activities. For a detailed description of these alerts, have a look in Stream Alert types


The source buffer indicates the pre-buffered amount of audio that is loaded once the a connection is established with the infrastructure.

Currently it is not possible to alter the buffer delay. However, once available it will allow a much stabler connections for encoders that operate on weak or unstable network connections.


Under the advanced tab, you are able to check the status of your station’s server, libraryand streaming.

You are also able to restart or shutdown the station. Restarting will cause a momentary silence on the stream, whereas shutdown will cause the station to remain off air.


Next is the stream configuration, which allows the user to manage different options regarding the quality of the stream, according to what needs to be achieved. These options are the Burst buffer, the Stream History, the overfill limit and the metadata delay. Altering these settings might be used to allow stabler connections for listeners with weak network or, on the other hand, for a more “real-time” listening experience.



Due to the Fact that Loop channel Stations have an “auto-start” and “auto-shutdown” function enhanced, there is no Shut Down option in Settings>Advanced.


Following, the Stream Configuration settings allow you to tailor the timings of your stream in various aspects. More information on the specifics here: Stream Configuration Settings

In this section one can also find the option to have the stream serve under the HTTPS protocol as well as to enable fragmented MP4 delivery method, which will work only if the stream has AAC encoding. Click on the “Update settings” option for any changes made to be saved.


There are some players (eg. VLC) that will not display metadata when the stream is set to serve under the HTTPS protocol.
This occurs because metadata are delivered in-band when the players are requesting it via a header “Icy-MetaData:1”. These players don't include that header when requesting an HTTPS string, but include it when requesting for an HTTP stream.

The Output media format and the Output bit rate options, are only available in Loop channel stations. For more information on the differences between the station types, have a look here:


Using the “Move under Master Station” option, a user can switch the stations type to “relay” and choose which station it will operate under.

This option is only available in Streaming only station that contain no relay


In Delete Station is where the station can be permanently deleted.


Before you proceed in deleting a station, the service will request the re-typing of the station’s name.


Only an owner of the station (account admin) can perform this action


In the people section is where you can invite staff to be able to manage the station. The invitations are sent via email.



The event logs that can be viewed in this page represent specific actions that take place in regards to a station (eg. encoder connection, metadata triggers). For a more detailed description of the events, have a look here: Revma Events